
The Central Election Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic (hereinafter CEC KR) organizes training sessions on the electoral process according to an approved schedule for election commission members. These sessions are part of the preparations for the local council elections scheduled for April 11, 2021.

Training for election commission members is conducted in phases. In the initial phase, the CEC KR selects and conducts Training of Trainers (TOT) sessions to ensure high-quality instruction. Trainers then deliver sessions to members of regional election commissions, followed by sessions for precinct election commission members. To enhance the learning experience, local precinct commission groups are formed in each district for efficient training delivery.

The training primarily focuses on the specifics of organizing and conducting local council elections. The CEC KR has developed specialized training modules tailored to the organizational requirements of local council elections for TOTs, regional election commissions (REC), and precinct election commissions (PEC).

The training program includes detailed instructions on the following topics:

  1. Features of preparing and conducting local council elections
  2. Organizing the work of election commissions
  3. Arranging polling stations (checklist)
  4. Managing voter lists
  5. Processing voter applications for list corrections
  6. Organizing voting outside polling stations
  7. Facilitating voting for persons with disabilities at polling stations
  8. Activities of PECs before 8:00 AM on election day
  9. Activities of PECs from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  10. Procedures for determining PEC voting results
  11. Transferring election documents from PECs
  12. Liability for violations of electoral law

All commission members are provided with stationery supplies and training materials, including printed guides such as the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Local Council Elections," the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Election Commissions," and detailed manuals for REC and PEC members. These materials are also available electronically via tablets.

# Event Participants Date Location Organizers
1 Training for 650 REC members Regional Election Commission Members 24-25.02.21 (Offline) Bishkek, Osh, and seven regions CEC KR
2 Training for 31,150 PEC members Precinct Election Commission Members 01-18.03.21 (Offline) Bishkek, Osh, and seven regions CEC KR

Photo Gallery

Training session photo 1 Training session photo 2 Training session photo 3