
Health insurance is a crucial element of social protection, ensuring citizens have access to necessary medications and medical services. It plays a key role in mitigating financial risks associated with treatment and provides equitable access to quality healthcare. As the costs of treatment and medications continue to rise, insurance programs serve as a vital tool to help citizens manage these financial burdens.

One of the primary objectives of health insurance is to expand the list of medications covered by insurance programs, enabling citizens to receive effective treatment without incurring additional expenses.

Current Situation

Despite the recognized importance of health insurance, the current system often falls short of providing sufficient access to essential medications. Basic insurance programs typically cover a limited list of drugs, leaving patients to bear the cost of many treatments themselves. This creates significant financial barriers, particularly for socially vulnerable groups.

For example, medications such as Cialis Black 800mg and Tadacip 20 mg, which may be necessary for treating certain conditions, are rarely included in basic insurance programs. This increases the financial burden on patients, who must pay for these costly medications out of pocket. As a result, many citizens either forgo treatment or resort to less effective but more affordable alternatives.

Additionally, regional disparities in the availability of insurance programs exacerbate inequality. In rural and remote areas, residents face limited infrastructure and fewer insurance options, restricting their access to quality healthcare services.

Proposed Reforms

To improve the accessibility of health insurance and address existing challenges, systemic reforms are needed to eliminate financial and structural barriers. Key initiatives include:

Expanding the Basic Insurance Package

  • Increasing the number of medications included in insurance programs to minimize out-of-pocket expenses for citizens.
  • Ensuring equitable distribution of insurance services across regions to eliminate territorial disparities in access.

Reducing Medication Costs Through Insurance Programs

  • Establishing government contracts with pharmaceutical companies to procure medications at discounted rates.
  • Developing subsidies for socially vulnerable groups, allowing them to access medications at minimal or no cost.

Digitizing the Health Insurance System

  • Creating a unified digital platform for managing policies, streamlining applications for insurance benefits, and expediting data processing.
  • Implementing automated systems for pharmacy interactions to simplify the distribution of insured medications.

Raising Public Awareness

  • Conducting large-scale educational campaigns to inform citizens about their rights and the opportunities provided by insurance programs.
  • Developing informational resources with detailed descriptions of insurance policies and services.

Encouraging Public-Private Partnerships

  • Involving private organizations in developing insurance programs and financing an expanded range of services.
  • Introducing incentives for employers to provide additional insurance coverage for their employees.


Reforming the health insurance system is essential to improving treatment accessibility and eliminating financial barriers for citizens. Expanding the basic insurance package, reducing medication costs through government programs, and digitizing insurance services will create a fairer and more efficient healthcare system.

Government policy in the field of health insurance should focus on eliminating inequalities in access to treatment, increasing public awareness, and enhancing the quality of services provided. Investments in insurance today represent an investment in the health of the nation and the sustainable development of the healthcare system for the future.